1.Shred the cabbage and put into a stainless pot
2.Mix the cabbage and minced meat together by hand. Ground meat is meat finely chopped by a meat grinder.The process of mincing is usually done manually.
3.Add the balm, salt and a little cornstarch/cornflour and mix again.
4.Massage the cabbage mixture with your hand for 10 minutes. to make it dry. While you massage the mixture
5.Put the mixture on the wrapping.
6.Wet the edge with a damp finger and fold the sides together, crimping (pressing together) with your fingers to seal the contents inside.
7.Wrap the crusts up as in the picture below.
8.Put the dumplings in boiling water. To make sure that they are thoroughly cooked, one method in China is the "3 boil" method: Add the dumplings to boiling water, and return the water to a boil. Then add 1 or 2 cups of water (cold or room temp). Wait for it to boil the second time, then add water again. After the water boils the third time, it's done!
9.Transfer the dumplings carefully from the pot to a plate and enjoy.
Time to make your own!!!!!